• We Control The Weather

    Vess Ruhtenberg did, ultimately, double your pleasure

  • Gravity

    Stray Sparks // LP // Fall 2022

  • Under Arsenals

    Brando is back

  • The Wild Hunt

    Finn Swingley’s 2020 LP

  • Pink Eagles

    The eponymous debut

  • Forest Songs

    Jeb Banner spent a week alone in the woods

TwinMono is a collective founded in 2016 to serve as a creative vehicle for a group of longtime friends who also happen to be musicians. Mostly we write and record music separately as well as together. TwinMono is not here to make money but to use it to make more music. We love music and each other.



Track OF The Moment

*The Challenger

A Lyric

I’m so bored with the end of times.
— Finn Swingley, "Black Leviatian"